The Power of Sleep

The Power of Sleep By: Dr. Roger Landry, MD, MPH  In our time-obsessed culture, we pride ourselves on multi-tasking, on how busy we are and how little sleep we can get and still function … An estimated 40% of the people in the US alone are not getting enough sleep. In addition to work-related sleep deprivation, stress and physical discomfort are […]

Holiday Dining

Holiday Dining By: Dr. Roger Landry, MD, MPH Thanksgiving is upon us, and with it comes the opportunity to spend meaningful time with family and friends, to sit down and share a meal together – something that we may not do as often as we’d like given the hustle and bustle of our busy world. It gives us a chance […]

Diet and Healthy Aging

Diet and Healthy Aging Dr. Roger Landry, MD, MPH Are the foods you eat helping or hurting you? Certainly, dining is pleasurable and it is a social connector and important. However, when we get busy, we may lose track of what we are eating and end up overindulging on foods that are harmful to us. On the other hand, when […]

Before the Fall

Before the Fall By: Dr. Roger Landry, MD, MPH  Before you speak, ask yourself this question: will your words improve the silence?” ~From the book, Words Can Change Your Brain  If you knew that standing on one leg while brushing your teeth could help prevent you from falling without it resulting in serious injury, would you do it? I know […]


Neuroplasticity By: Dr. Roger Landry, MD, MPH  Think of the brain as a collection of millions of roads – 100,000 miles of neural pathways. And every time we wish to move, learn something new, recall a fact, recognize someone, or do any of the magnificent things our brain is capable of, messages travel along these pathways at hyper-speeds of up […]