
Beach Visualization: Exploring the Senses with Gratitude

As we approach Thanksgiving and are nearing the end of our #MasterTheMoment2021 campaign focused on the small moments that bring us joy, we thought we would share a visualization from our Master-PEACE Circle, led by team member Danielle Palli.

In this meditation, we explore calling to mind our main senses of sight, hearing, sound, taste, and smell, as well as where we are in space. Not only is this a powerful mindfulness tool, but it also encourages us to notice sensory experiences that bring us joy.

This may include simple things such as digging one’s toes in the sand at the beach or the smell of the Earth after it rains. When we tune in to those senses and savor them, we can experience gratitude in a deeper and more frequent way. The benefits of a grateful life include greater longevity, a better immune system, and better overall wellbeing.

CLICK HERE to try this visualization for yourself!

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