Measures upper body shoulder flexibility, which is necessary for daily tasks such as reaching, cleaning, gardening, or playing any kind of sport.
Assesses balance while leaning, which is important for reaching for objects.
Measures upper body strength necessary for numerous daily functions, such as lifting groceries, performing housework and general lifting.
Measures motor ability and dynamic balance, as well as the ease and speed with which the participant is able to change directions while walking. This is important for activities such as getting out of a bus or answering the door.
Please add any additional comments about your Intellectual wellness:
Select the statement that best describes your plans for improving your intellectual activity.
How confident are you in your ability to enhance your intellectual activity?
Compared to other people your age, rate your ability to take in and process new information.
I am able to keep my mind focused without becoming easily distracted.
How often do you use new technology (such as tablets, computers, mp3 players)?