Resources for
Supported Autonomy
Evolve your wellness program
into a more effective model
Masterpiece can help At-Home Wellness organizations rewrite the rules of aging and whole-body wellness for the older adult. Programs that work with the older adult to understand individual needs and achieve the highest level of health and wellness are critical to healthy longevity. By partnering with Masterpiece, your program will have a unique offering to older adult’s wellness - a holistic 360-degree model providing the content and tools to healthy longevity and wellness for now and into the future.
In addition to physical health, Masterpiece understands that healthy longevity comes from many areas of life – social, fulfillment, intellectual, movement and personal attributes. By integrating actions and content in each of these areas, an older adult can dramatically alter their course of health and longevity.
Be the program where older adults flourish at home and live longer, healthier and more purposeful lives. Masterpiece will complement your current wellness program, helping you deliver on a lifestyle for vitality, growth, and healthy longevity, allowing older adults to continue to live independently.
What Partners
Are Saying

Personalized Content
Masterpiece creates and curates content providing at-home wellness partners with a robust library of resources to support wellness, growth and healthy longevity. We analyze millions of lifestyle markers to direct a comprehensive content strategy that aligns with research and is supported by experts. Content is categorized around six areas of focus and examples include worksheets, articles, and in video and audio formats around all aspects of healthy longevity.

Lifestyle Profile
Wellness is more than physical activity: it’s a 360 degree look across all the components of lifestyle wellness. Masterpiece’s Lifestyle Profile is a user-driven online process that creates a snapshot of lifestyle markers to guide a personalized content journey that is responsive to 6 lifestyle categories. When a client takes our Lifestyle Profile, indexed content will populate their dashboard, providing each with the path to improve their health and longevity in each area of focus, unique to their needs to benefit them the most.

Physical Activity: Fueling the body, aerobic activity and strength training, tobacco and alcohol use, sleep
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Peace & Fulfillment: Life satisfaction, purpose and laughter, pursuits that bring peace, stress and meditation
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Intellectual Vitality: Recalls new learnings, uses skills, learns new skills, tries new events that challenge the brain
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Personal Attributes: Boredom and stress, goal setting, worry and feeling down, loneliness, mindset
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Social Engagement: Giving and receiving support, frequency of social interactions, intergenerational relationships, new social connections
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Movement & Motion: Aerobic endurance, upper and lower body strength, static and dynamic balance, upper and lower body flexibility
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Measurement Tools
Data outcomes must be readily available to ensure that you deliver on your wellness and lifestyle promises and stand out amongst your competitors. Each individual will receive their personal path to healthy longevity, while your organization receives real-time aggregate data for critical decision making on your lifestyle program, client impact, sales and marketing.
Client Programs and Campaigns
Community Programs provide turnkey educational content where clients participate in-person or virtually and experience an in-depth exploration of healthy longevity. Ideal to both small and large audiences, Masterpiece Programs are designed to educate and inspire individuals to take small steps towards healthy longevity.
Campaigns increase engagement and are designed to encourage clients to focus on a specific healthy habit. With content that is introductory, it allows each individual the opportunity to participate and maximize change through action. Each campaign is intergenerational and inclusive to everyone connected to the program – from families to associates, to the community at large – Powered by Masterpiece, campaigns create a unique opportunity for Supported Autonomy.
Older Adults Feel The Benefits
of a Masterpiece Partnership
Of older adults said the lifestyle is positively impacting overall health and wellbeing
Of older adults said the lifestyle of health and wellbeing was a key reason for selecting their community or program